Sunset Over Country Place
The evening before a blue norther blew in and Tyler experienced the coldest week this year, we were treated to a beautiful sunset.
Winter Skies
When folks from out-of-state visit us looking for their next home in the wintertime, I tell them that viewing East Texas this time of year is like seeing their girlfriend without her makeup for the first time. Still pretty, of course, but minus much of the color. So I tilt upward for beauty and find […]
Morning Walks, Fall 2020
In the mornings I walk. First my dog, then I take my camera and go on a longer jaunt, about four miles. In the fall I photograph foliage; this has been a good year for catching color, and Halloween decorations.
Young Bucks
Two young bucks have been hanging out beside the Lowell’s home on Lakeshore. The light was dim, but I managed to snap one shot of them before they drifted back into the brush.
The Lakeshore Walk
Morning sun lights up this big sweetgum on Lakeshore, a favorite walk that parallels Shackelford Creek and winds around Long Lake (#3). Hidden Lake is also accessed off Lakeshore, and I sometimes detour up to take in that view, as well. This is also the point in the Lakeshore walk where I sometimes peel off […]
Our Dry Summer Ends
Our dry summer ended abruptly during the first few days of September this year, with rain interspersed over several days that flooded the creeks and filled our lakes again here in Country Place. I snapped this photo of the Old Lake (#1) spillway on the 3rd. During the next few days I poured over seven […]
Bream Lake (#2): Morning Light
Slice of Heaven
Bella, our faithful Giant Schauzer-mix mutt, and I walk several miles each day, leaving just after sun-up so as to avoid the heat. Some mornings we see deer, fox, rabbit, an armadillo…even a pileated woodpecker. But most of what we see are some nice homes, lakes and lovely woods. The scene below is one of […]
Old Lake in Fog
On a late winter day, fog still shrouds the Old Lake. First in a chain of three lakes in Country Place, Old Lake has produced a 26 lb blue cat and a double-digit black bass, as well as many copper nose bluegill.
Fall Color
Fall came a bit late this year, but it’s in full swing now and a walk through the neighborhood will reveal scenes like this one, a poison ivy vine climbing high on a pine tree growing beside a cedar along JB Glaspie’s property.
I Think That I Shall Never See…
We have many lovely trees in Country Place, both wild and cultivated. This cypress, in Rebecca and Dave Mohr’s yard, is one of the latter and here is highlighted by a shaft of light cutting through the canopy.
Growing Up In Country Place

Raising kids is never easy, and perhaps even more so in these complicated times, but it has big rewards. Our boys grew up here, and although there were bumps and crashes along the way, we are immensely proud of the young men they’ve become. Watching other youngsters grow up in the neighborhood is gratifying, too, […]