More Directory Changes Coming

In putting together the CPCA Directory, we always have to keep an eye on last-minute changes in order to publish the most accurate and up-to-date information. A few weeks ago there were zero homes on the market in our neighborhood; now there are five properties for sale in Country Place, ranging in price from $450,000 […]
Caring for Your Septic or Aerobic System
If you are new to the neighborhood, you may also be a first-time septic or aerobic system owner. For the first couple of years here, we tried caring for our aerobic system, regularly cleaning or replacing the dispersal heads on the south end of our yard, and adding the special chlorine tablets several times a […]
Mandatory Water Rationing
This morning, I took another look at KLTV’s ten-day weather forecast and gave last rites to our St. Augustine. After some trial and error, I have finally gotten my Rachio irrigation controller re-programmed for Stage Two: Mandatory Water Rationing. The recommended durations for once-a-week watering for all thirteen stations would have had me starting the […]