Country Place 75703
A neighborhood featuring lakes, trees, rolling hills, and estate-sized lots.
Country Place 75703
A neighborhood featuring lakes, trees, rolling hills, and estate-sized lots.
Country Place 75703
A neighborhood featuring lakes, trees, rolling hills, and estate-sized lots.
Country Place 75703
A neighborhood featuring lakes, trees, rolling hills, and estate-sized lots.
Country Place 75703
A neighborhood featuring lakes, trees, rolling hills, and estate-sized lots.

Country Place: 2019 Comparative Market Analysis

The 2019 statistics for sales in Country Place reveal a continuation of rising prices in our area largely due to increasing demand and rapid development in South Tyler and Flint. Additionally, construction costs have gone up dramatically in the past few years and that has impacted existing home sales. The highest price-per-square-foot paid yet ($159.66) […]

Country Place Directory, 2020-2021

Every two years we publish a directory of current residents for internal use. Now that land lines are becoming somewhat rare, the old Yellow Pages is no longer as useful and we find that our neighborhood directory is more helpful than ever. It’s surprising how often I refer to this little book for simple things […]

Hayride Instructions 2016

Dear Neighbor, Find attached instructions for the volunteers, both treaters and drivers, helping with the Country Place 2016 Hayride. Page 1 is contact information for everyone. Page 2 is for both treaters and trailer drivers. Pages 3-4 are for trailer drivers. A map of the route will be provided later. If you have questions, please call or text […]

Country Place Fish Limits

Possession Limits and General Guidelines for Fishing Country Place Lakes Good lake management requires achieving and maintaining a balance of desirable fish varieties and sizes. Stocking and harvesting of fish are the primary tools used by lake managers. The possession limits stated in the original CP Restrictions are no longer meaningful and should be replaced […]

Possession Limits and General Guidelines for Fishing Country Place Lakes

Good lake management requires achieving and maintaining a balance of desirable fish varieties and sizes. Stocking and harvesting of fish are the primary tools used by lake managers. The possession limits stated in theoriginal CP Restrictions are no longer meaningful and should be replaced with the limits given below. All limits are per person, per […]

Cocoa Mulch Dangerous to Pets

Please tell every dog or cat owner you know. Even if you don’t have a pet, please pass this to those who do. Over the weekend the doting owner of two young lab mixes purchased Cocoa Mulch from Target to use in their garden. They loved the way it smelled and it was advertised to […]

Beloved Country Place Bus Driver Passed Away

The Country Place Bus Driver, Bonnie Mae Schwader . . . affectionately known as Miss Bonnie to most of us . . . passed away last weekend.  Her funeral services were on Saturday and Bus 081 was even there!  I’ve made a donation to the Bonnie Schwader Fund at American State Bank from all the […]

Garden Club: Christmas Ladies Luncheon Planned

Christmas Ladies Luncheon December 15th @ 11:30 at the home of Julia Tolar Please bring finger foods or dessert and a wrapped Christmas ornament. For more information contact Ann Horton 903.839.9036 RSVP to Carol Hamilton 903.871.8200

Country Place Announcements 11/8/09

Vandalism on Lakeshore Received the following email yesterday from Terri McLarey: This afternoon 11/7 at approximately 4:00 pm our mailbox was hit with what looks like to be a hammer or bat.  A large hole  was knocked into the side of the brick.  If anyone has any information on this it would be greatly appreciated. […]

Tree Removal on Lake #3 Dam

In years past we have had studies presented to the Lakes & Parks committee members that showed trees growing on pond dams can be harmful to the dam itself as the trees mature.  Essentially  the roots grow into the dam but when they die the roots decay leaving  a weakened porous dam that can break. […]

September Garden Club Meeting @ Mohr’s

Garden Club will be Tuesday, Sept 8 at 11:30 a.m. Rebecca Mohr’s home. 19409 Lakeshore Drive All are welcome! Mohr Later! Rebecca

Jacksonville Tomatoes, Noonday Onions

Friends, I’ve been stopping at the stand in Flint (NE corner of FM 346 & Old Jacksonville) buying fresh local produce and have gotten some very good Jacksonville tomatoes and Noonday onions. Slice ’em thick and make a Dagwood sandwich…mmmmm!