Speeding in Country Place

I went fishing Sunday night. Didn’t catch any fish, but I always enjoy visiting with the neighbors I see there. I like sunsets and it was a nice one. I fished until after dark and was on my way home, driving about 25 mph on Big Timber when a deer ran right out in front of me. At that speed I was able to stop and when I did four other deer ran across, including a young buck. I don’t always drive the speed limit in Country Place. Sometimes I’m in a hurry. If I’d been in a hurry last night there’s a good chance I’d have either hit the deer or taken out the Rice’s mailbox. Folks, it’s easy to forget your speed. It’s human nature to bend the rules a bit. But our Country Place roads have too many blind spots, too many curves, and there are too many deer, dogs and kids for us to ignore the speed limits in here. Our son, Leo, dodged a dog on Three Lakes last spring and rolled his truck; he will carry the scars for the rest of his life.  And he was lucky. So let’s be careful out there. Try to leave a few minutes early for your appointment. Enjoy the scenery and keep our neighborhood safe.

Hickory Wood


If anyone wants Hickory wood I have two trees which fell during the storm. One is LARGE (about 2.5″) and the other is smaller (about 1.25″)    They actually fell across onto the yard adjacent to me.

You can have the wood IF you come and cut it up, haul it off, and clean up the associated limbs, branches, etc with the trees. and can do so in a reasonable amount of time.  I am looking for a total clean up of these two trees . I can do the stumps, and the other trees, and debris.

 If no one is interested I will work on it myself and use the firewood.  I worked on them a little today but it will be next weekend before I get to do any more.  Please call my cell 903-767-3049.  (9 am- 9:00 pm)

Greg Luchak

3036 Ridgetop

Life @ Death In Country Place

One of the things we enjoy most about living in Country Place are the wild animals. There is something very satisfying about watching a family of deer cross the road by our house, or admiring the variety of birds who show up at our feeders. John Vardeman and I were talking one morning recently about the two fox kits we’ve watched grow up this summer in the woods across the street. It’s been interesting to see them progress from clumsy attempts to catch field mice to serious hunters.

Yesterday morning as Kratos and I walked up to our house after our walk we were both startled by a loud bleating, like a kid goat caught in a barbed-wire fence, I remember thinking. Then we saw the big cottontail bounding in the tall grass across from our house, and right behind came one of the foxes in hot pursuit. To add to the drama, just as the rabbit passed the cedar tree a fawn jumped up and began running with the rabbit. After a moment the fawn came running back and proceeded to tear around a clearing two more times before disappearing into the woods.

We didn’t hear the rabbit again, and I’ve not gone down into the woods to see if there’s blood and fur on the ground. For some reason I’d like to think the rabbit found his den and escaped the fox, although I know there are plenty of rabbits and the fox has to eat. Better the rabbit than our cats, I reason.

Strangers In The Neighborhood

Mary Strickland called today to report that she and Odell had seen a couple of unknown vehicles in the neighborhood. One was a speeding black Chevy SUV, the other a green truck. If you see suspicious vehicles in the neighborhood, please get the license plate numbers and report to a board member so we can do our due diligence in finding out who’s visiting.