Deer in Country Place: Great Shot!


I received this wonderful photograph yesterday and had to share it with everyone along with the Bledsoe’s email accompanying:

Hi Larry-
There is a lot of sad news for our web site and newsletter this winter. The fire at the Smith’s and the passing of Carl Reis… Both these families have a long history with Country Place.

On a more happy note, Nick was playing around with his new telephoto lens and took the attached picture of the deer that visit our area up on Ridgetop. They like to rest in our back yard and eat over in the Reis’s yard and Dr. Green’s large front yard. I imagine a lot of residents see them. One of them is a male with tiny spikes just beginning to show. Nick also saw a 8 point buck right before Thanksgiving -chasing the doe’s. Hopefully we’ll have more baby deer this spring.

Nick & Yvonne Bledsoe

Fire in Country Place

Ed & Joy Smith lost their home last night in a fire. Their pretty brick home backs up to Lake #2, but today there isn’t must left of it. I dropped by the home this morning to watch the KLTV crew shooting a report followup and saw Joy going through the house trying to find anything to save. After four hours of fire and thousands of gallon of water poured through it there wasn’t much left. She told me the fire started in the garage but they didn’t know what had caused it. Luckily they were able to get out of the house without injury. When more information is available, I’ll put it up here.

Rebecca sent out an email letting folks know that the Smith’s are staying with family now. For those of you who have asked how you can help, we’ll keep you posted. It is very sad to see a neighbor lose their home. I was reminded that night of how little I think about fire safety, but I came home and talked to Andrea and the boys. We now know where our fire extinguishers are (one in the garage, one in the kitchen), and have decided to add a smoke alarm in the garage.

I shot photos of the devastating fire that took the Smith’s home and have posted them here:

Country Place Fire

I hope that all of us will take a moment to review our family’s exit strategy in the event of a fire. Don’t forget to check your smoke alarms and be sure your fire extinguishers still have a charge.

Passing of A Country Place Friend

Diane Mohn called this afternoon to let us know that Karl Ries passed away this morning at 4:30am. A wonderful storyteller who lived at the end of Ridgetop above Hidden Lake for years, Karl is survived by his wife, Gisela. His service will be held at 10:00am Saturday morning at Stewart Funeral Home on Old Jacksonville (7525 Old Jacksonville Highway, Tyler,TX, 75703

Fall Festival Photos Posted

I have posted the photos from our Fall Festival; there is a link on our Events page. These files are large enough to download and make small prints from. If you would like a larger photo, go to and pull down the “Galleries” tab to “CntryPlcPicnic-08”. There are some cropping options there, but if you see a photo you want cropped differently, let me know and I’ll upload per your request.  Next year we’ll plan on shooting the group photo at 4:30pm, before the kiddos can escape to the wagons!