Country Place 75703
A neighborhood featuring lakes, trees, rolling hills, and estate-sized lots.
Country Place 75703
A neighborhood featuring lakes, trees, rolling hills, and estate-sized lots.
Country Place 75703
A neighborhood featuring lakes, trees, rolling hills, and estate-sized lots.
Country Place 75703
A neighborhood featuring lakes, trees, rolling hills, and estate-sized lots.
Country Place 75703
A neighborhood featuring lakes, trees, rolling hills, and estate-sized lots.

Parks & Lakes Report from David Mohr

Happy Fall, Neighbors, This is David Mohr, your Lakes and Parks Chairman, Country Place Board. I’m sending this message to give you all an update on the progress of the Lakes and Parks, as well as some other reminders and concerns for your information. 2024 has been an outstanding year for the lakes of our […]


For .89¢ a day, I get to fish the lakes with our sons and grandson, walk the trails on association property, and attend all the functions, both the traditional and additional ones Valencia has added to the mix. I have applauded developer Larry Branch for creating this oasis of tranquility we call Country Place, but […]

Remembering Jerry Jones

Friend and neighbor Jerry Jones passed away on April 1st of 2023. I had spoken with Jerry in March when I called to brag about a big bass our grandson, Jack, had caught and to inquire about his health (he’d had heart surgery a few weeks earlier). He sounded weak but he complimented Jack on […]

Thanksgiving At The Park

Thanks to Valencia and her volunteers for putting together a Thanksgiving celebration at the park on Saturday. It was another opportunity to visit with neighbors, break bread together, and watch the children play. Cara Buller is shown here in her Mothers arms.

Fall Festival: Rainy Day Hayride & Picnic

We managed to get our hayride in, although the picnic turned a bit soggy. No matter, the kids had fun and went home with candy, which had them smiling. It was great to see new residents participating, as well.

Cherokee County Cable Comes to Country Place

We have used Suddenlink for internet since we moved here fifteen years ago. We’ve had our problems with dropped connections, of course, but overall we’ve been pleased with their service and haven’t hesitated to recommend it to our real estate clients. In April, we were contacted by our power provider, Cherokee County Electric Coop, to […]

Looking Back

Flashback Thursday: In April of 2008, a beaver family built a large den underneath theconcrete spillway below Bream Lake (#2). Without that support, the spillway caved in and the water began to eat away at the dam itself. Over the next two months, L&L Construction brought in  tons of riprap and rebuilt the spillway. I […]

CPCA Directory: Info Update Underway

Friends & Neighbors, I am working on a new CPCA directory. I know that several of you had recommended putting the directory online because the constant turnover here makes the information outdated so quickly. However, in researching this I have come across a number of warnings regarding security. It seems any information published online, even […]

Halloween Hayride/Festival 2021

We had a picture-perfect day for our Hayride and Fall Festival today. Many thanks to Valencia, Charles, and their crew for such an enjoyable event. [metaslider id=”1425″]

October 5th: Ice Cream Social

Always nice to have an occasion to meet new neighbors, visit with old friends, and watch the children play.[metaslider id=”1376″]

New Board Members

Here are your new Board members and their responsibilities: President- David Stewart 903.520.2265 Vice President- Nathan Mimms 903.520.2582 Secretary- Mark Woodruff 903.245.7953 Treasurer- Matt Abernathy 903.730.1284 Lakes & Parks – Rusty Jacks 903.352.0178 Restrictions – James Bates 817.313.1231 Social – Jim Hamilton 214.769.3685 Building Committee – Rea Boudreaux 903.521.6571 and Kevin Humphrey 903.780.0770 Directory Updates […]

Independence Day Celebration

Country Place, with its estate-sized lots, allows for lots of privacy. But several times a year, thanks to a long tradition and Valencia Ray, we get together. On July 3rd, we celebrated Independence Day with the pledge of allegiance, the national anthem, and brunch. The kids searched for red, white and blue beads on the […]