Remembering Jerry Jones

Friend and neighbor Jerry Jones passed away on April 1st of 2023. I had spoken with Jerry in March when I called to brag about a big bass our grandson, Jack, had caught and to inquire about his health (he’d had heart surgery a few weeks earlier). He sounded weak but he complimented Jack on […]
Thanksgiving At The Park
Thanks to Valencia and her volunteers for putting together a Thanksgiving celebration at the park on Saturday. It was another opportunity to visit with neighbors, break bread together, and watch the children play. Cara Buller is shown here in her Mothers arms.
Wood Duck Nests
I would like to thank Earl Drott for building and installing a wood duck nest on Old Lake (#1). As you can see, he did a great job in the design and construction, not to mention the installation. Now, if we can find out who has the key to the chain on Hidden Lake, he […]