Country Place 75703
A neighborhood featuring lakes, trees, rolling hills, and estate-sized lots.
Country Place 75703
A neighborhood featuring lakes, trees, rolling hills, and estate-sized lots.
Country Place 75703
A neighborhood featuring lakes, trees, rolling hills, and estate-sized lots.
Country Place 75703
A neighborhood featuring lakes, trees, rolling hills, and estate-sized lots.
Country Place 75703
A neighborhood featuring lakes, trees, rolling hills, and estate-sized lots.

Deer in Country Place: Great Shot!


I received this wonderful photograph yesterday and had to share it with everyone along with the Bledsoe’s email accompanying:

Hi Larry-
There is a lot of sad news for our web site and newsletter this winter. The fire at the Smith’s and the passing of Carl Reis… Both these families have a long history with Country Place.

On a more happy note, Nick was playing around with his new telephoto lens and took the attached picture of the deer that visit our area up on Ridgetop. They like to rest in our back yard and eat over in the Reis’s yard and Dr. Green’s large front yard. I imagine a lot of residents see them. One of them is a male with tiny spikes just beginning to show. Nick also saw a 8 point buck right before Thanksgiving -chasing the doe’s. Hopefully we’ll have more baby deer this spring.

Nick & Yvonne Bledsoe


2025 Country Place Neighborhood Social Events!

January 30, 2025 Ladies Luncheon at Potpourri House at 11:30am February 27, 2025 Ladies Shopping Trip to Canton Trades Days, leaving at 9:30 a.m., text/call Valencia at 903-521-5716 to reserve a spot and whether you

Your Dues At Work

Country Place Community Association: 2024 Recap

Dear Homeowners, The CPCA Board is committed to maintaining the beauty and functionality of our neighborhood. This includes regular landscaping, repairs to entrance signs, festive holiday decorations, and maintenance of sprinkler systems and lighting. We