Update on The Front Entry

A number of residents have asked about the status of repairs to the front entry and we wanted to bring you up-to-date. As reported here back on May 25th a young driver over-shot the entrance on Big Timber and ran into the stone wall and sign on the west side of the road. Subsequently Ken Terrell got insurance information and asked Lane Norvell to handle the estimating and negotiating with the insurer. In the process we learned that the stone used on our front entries (on both Big Timber and Three Lakes) was quarried in North Dakota back in the 70’s and is no longer available. Since there wasn’t enough of the original stone left to rebuild with, we had to come up with an alternative.The new signs will incorporate the original design of the end columns but use a contrasting flagstone background and a six-foot Cast Stone insert with “Country Place” carved into the stone.

Our thanks to Lane Norvell, the insurance company has settled and work will begin next week on repairs and creation of this new and updated entry. Ricky Koss has agreed to handle the rewiring for new lights to illuminate the sign.

Just another example of the talent and dedication of our Country Place residents working to keep ours a beautiful, peaceful place to live.

Lane Norvell’s Wonderful Photo of Hidden Lake


Lane Norvell shot this great picture at Hidden Lake in Country Place. Fishing, anyone?

Country Place Outage – Thursday

Mr. Terrell,

Tomorrow morning starting at 8 AM, the whole west feed will experience a short outage.  Once the power is restored, member from Great Oak Circle to the south end of Copper Oaks (on Copper Oaks) will experience outages throughout the day while new conductor is being installed.  Please pass on the info.



Kids’ Summer Activities in Country Place

Our daughters Mary and Anna are having  the neighborhood Kids Camp at our house again this year.  This will be  the third year.  The girls are handing out flyers to most of the  houses.  The dates are July 22-24 for ages 5 to 12.  The cost is  $30.00.

I am also having craft classes at my house in  June.  I advertised in our homechool website but wanted to open it up for  CP children as well.  The ages for this need to be over 9 years old.  (Most of what we are doing is a bit difficult for those younger).  The  cost for each class is $10.00.

June 9-  Card class

June 10-decorative tiles and mini scrapbooks

June 16-  scrapbook cookbooks

June 17- clipboards and cards

June 19- broken china mosaics

Thank you so much!

Karen Graves