Neighborhood Vitality
One of the clearest signs of a healthy neighborhood are updates and maintenance, so it’s good to see painters, chimney sweeps, yard crews, and masons working in Country Place. Today, for instance, Enviro-Care is working on a new retaining wall for Jim and Dolly Walker at 19551 Lakeshore. Across the street at Ron & Debbie […]
Welcome Our New Neighbors: The Stricklands

2014-10-18: Fall Festival & Hayride

To see more photos of our Fall Festival and Hayride, click here We had a lovely afternoon for our Fall Festival this year. As he has for twenty-plus years, Tom Perry organized the hayride with his usual attention to detail. Drivers included Lane Norvell, Steve Jackson, Brent Little, Earl Drott, Travis Hunt, Gary Fain, and […]
Country Place’s Hidden Lake (#4) Freezes Over
Received this from Lane Norvell this morning. Please don’t let your kids try this. Not sure Lane should have, either, but the photo is too interesting not to post: “Well I would never recommend standing on a frozen lake in Texas particularly when you are by yourself and using a self timer photoshot (like I […]
Fun at the Fall Festival, 10/31/2009
What a nice time we had at the Country Place Fall Festival and Hayride. Our thanks to Lee Kodet, Ken Terrell, Tom Perry, Lane Norvell, and everyone who worked hard to make it a success. I snapped photos and posted a slide show (click the image above to see the gallery). This is always an […]
New Neighbors in Country Place
We’d like to take this opportunity to welcome several new neighbors to Country Place: The Littles, Brent & Melissa, have purchased the home at 19065 Lakeshore Dr (formerly the Andros’s). You’ll see their four children, 11-year triplets Anna, Isaac & Emma, and 8-year-old Ethan, playing in the yard. The Wallaces, Bill & Terry, have bought […]
Mary Shaffer’s Kayak Class
It’s so nice to see people enjoying our lakes. Kratos and I were walking one morning and saw Mary and Mike Shaffer entertaining nieces and nephews on Lake #3. Mike was fishing with one group and Mary was teaching her great-nephew, Cooper, to use a kayak.
Gunfire Near Country Place
Saturday, March 1st, at about 5:00pm, the sound of gunfire reverberated around Oak Meadow Circle. For the next hour-and-a-half we heard at least three weapons, one a semi-automatic, fire dozens of rounds. As far as we could tell, the shooters were just south of us off CR 129. At one point I called the sheriff’s […]
Garage Sales in Country Place?
Our new association vice-president, Pete Galbraith, has suggested that we set aside a weekend or two a year for Country Place residents to hold garage sales. While we are in the process of updating our deed restrictions, now is a good time to open this up for discussion. Your input will be appreciated. [Feedback was […]
Volunteers In Country Place
I spent a morning this spring with Jerry Jones, a Country Place resident for many years, who volunteers his time to help keep our lakes in balance. I rode with Jerry over to Longview to pick up a hundred pounds of tilapia (see our Summer 2008 newsletter for more detail). Jerry is one of a group […]
Middleton’s Host Easter Egg Hunt
Click here to see more images In the spring, Country Place sponsors an Easter egg hunt for members’ children. This year, the Middleton’s hosted the event at their home, complete with food, a zipline, and a brief discussion of the meaning of the holiday. Our thanks to Susan and Elliott for their hospitality.
2007 Fall Festival A Success
Our thanks to the Jarrett’s (19718 Copperoaks) for hosting the Country Place Fall Festival. Once again, Tom Perry organized the hayride and the picnic was well-attended…the weather was lovely which helped. [smartslider3 slider=”3″]