Country Place 75703
A neighborhood featuring lakes, trees, rolling hills, and estate-sized lots.
Country Place 75703
A neighborhood featuring lakes, trees, rolling hills, and estate-sized lots.
Country Place 75703
A neighborhood featuring lakes, trees, rolling hills, and estate-sized lots.
Country Place 75703
A neighborhood featuring lakes, trees, rolling hills, and estate-sized lots.
Country Place 75703
A neighborhood featuring lakes, trees, rolling hills, and estate-sized lots.

Country Place Community Association: 2024 Recap

Dear Homeowners, The CPCA Board is committed to maintaining the beauty and functionality of our neighborhood. This includes regular landscaping, repairs to entrance signs, festive holiday decorations, and maintenance of sprinkler systems and lighting. We also manage monthly water and electricity bills. In 2023, we upgraded the entrances with new wiring and conduit to enhance […]

Parks & Lakes Report from David Mohr

Happy Fall, Neighbors, This is David Mohr, your Lakes and Parks Chairman, Country Place Board. I’m sending this message to give you all an update on the progress of the Lakes and Parks, as well as some other reminders and concerns for your information. 2024 has been an outstanding year for the lakes of our […]


For .89¢ a day, I get to fish the lakes with our sons and grandson, walk the trails on association property, and attend all the functions, both the traditional and additional ones Valencia has added to the mix. I have applauded developer Larry Branch for creating this oasis of tranquility we call Country Place, but […]

Looking Back

Flashback Thursday: In April of 2008, a beaver family built a large den underneath theconcrete spillway below Bream Lake (#2). Without that support, the spillway caved in and the water began to eat away at the dam itself. Over the next two months, L&L Construction brought in  tons of riprap and rebuilt the spillway. I […]

Long Lake (#3): New Footbridge

The footbridge across the dam on our Long Lake (#3) had rotted out to the point that it was becoming unsafe, so your board put it out for bid and Roman Landscaping was awarded the job. Andrew and his crew have constructed a very solid footbridge which should last another ten years.

Fish Stocking for 2018

March is fish-stocking time for the lakes. We have historically used $1500 to $2500 annually for stocking.  About eight years ago we tried tilapia and had good luck both from catching and reproduction; although they are vegetarians,  they can be caught on worms.  Their growth was unbelievable and everyone enjoyed fishing for them. We stopped stocking tilapia […]

Lake Report from Jerry Jones

Greetings Fishermen, As you are aware, Bream Lake (Lake Two) was drained in 2015 due to a leak in the drain system.  It offered a good opportunity to remove the predatory fish and restock it with coppernose bream. Coppernose can grow to over 2 lbs on feed in less than 4 years.  The lake was […]

Lakeshore Repairs Now Complete

L&L has completed their repairs this week and we are pleased with the work done in front of the Magee’s and Kelsay’s, as well as between the Little’s and Lowell’s. The Miller’s had some work done in front of their property, as well. This completes the major repairs to Lakeshore. Thank you for your patience.

Lakeshore Repairs Coming Soon

For those of you who called yesterday and others who are curious, Petty Landscaping is working on the Idell’s drainage to repair the rock wall and re-channel the drainage swale along Lakeshore. Work should be completed today. In the next few weeks (depending on continued dry weather) L&L Asphalt should be able to complete the […]

ODAW: Oxygen for Lake #3

Your Dues At Work: Lake #3 had an issue with low oxygen levels, particularly during the dog days of summer. Wayne Tiller did the research and found an aerator system which will not only replenish oxygen, but cut down on thermal stratification, reduce “muck” accumulation on the bottom, improve water clarity, improve fish production and […]

2007 Fall Festival A Success

Our thanks to the Jarrett’s (19718 Copperoaks) for hosting the Country Place Fall Festival. Once again, Tom Perry organized the hayride and the picnic was well-attended…the weather was lovely which helped. [smartslider3 slider=”3″]