Attempted Forced Entry in Country Place


Rebecca received this warning email from Ron Dart last week and we wanted to share it so that everyone could take the necessary precautions.

Sent: Friday, August 08, 2008 9:59  AM
Subject: Attempted forced entry

We have seen evidence of an amateurish attempt at illegal entry to our  house. One was a torn screen at a strategic location, and the other was  evidence of a tool inserted in a vain attempt to open the front door. I say it  is amateurish because a pro would have know you couldn’t do that with a dead  bolt.

It might be a good idea for residents to examine windows and doors for  tool marks. We have suspected it before, but the latest attemps were within  the past month. These were on the street side of the house, which seems  odd.

Ron Dart

Our president, Ken Terrell, has recommended a Neighborhood Watch program. If you have feedback for us on that idea, please pass it along.

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