The Duck on Lake #3

I don’t know where he came from, but for perhaps a year or more we’ve had a guest on Lake #3.  Since our lab, Kratos, likes to swim in the lake, we walk by most mornings. An affable dog who wants to be friends with everyone and everything (ie, he is pals with most of the dogs we meet, two cats and B.O. the donkey), it was a bit shocking to see his reaction to the duck. He bristles, puffs up, growls and generally goes butch whenever he sees the duck.

I did a bit of research and found out that our duck is a Muscovy. Originally from South America, they have been imported into many countries, particularly Russia, where they are used for food (the breast meat is compared to sirloin and is 98% fat-free) and for mosquito and fly control. You can read more (a lot more) about this interesting species here.


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