Watch Out On Big Timber Bridge!

A week ago I was driving home from a meeting and drinking a soda as I drove in on Big Timber. As I went down the hill to go over the bridge above Lake #1, I saw a blue-green sports car approaching from the other direction. As it drew closer, it began to drift into my lane and I saw a girl “texting” or dialing with her eyes on her phone. There was no time to honk, so I pulled as close to the railing as possible and at the last moment she looked up and swerved back into her lane. She missed me by inches.

Folks, this is a dangerous curve, and it isn’t helped much by all the vegetation growing out to the road on the southwest side of the bridge. I now keep one hand on my horn as I drive toward this area and keep a closer eye out for approaching cars. And if you happen to know the driver of this car, you might warn her about texting on this section of Big Timber.

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