Country Place Sign Is Damaged

On Monday, May 25th, two teenagers in a pickup missed the turn at Big Timber and ran into the Country Place entry wall and sign. Lots of sharp turns in Country Place, and they start right at the entry…be careful out there! Our thanks to Raymond & Karen Mills for the photos taken just after the crash. Looks like it was a nice truck a bit earlier in the afternoon.

Doorbell Ditching: Not So Funny

Friday night several neighbors had their doorbells rung on Oak Meadow Circle. This is a childish prank known as doorbell ditching and although it sounds harmless, it resulted in some very upset folks and a call to the Smith County Sheriff’s Dept. While none of the doorbells were rung after about 10:45pm, some of the victims were elderly, one was ill, and another involved a wife whose husband was out-of-town. You can understand how folks in that situation were not amused.

From Cherokee County Electric: Next Phase of Reconductor Work

Sent: Tuesday, May 19, 2009 9:28 AM
Subject: Country Place – West Feed

Mr. Terrell,

Good Morning!  CCECA and Thedford Construction will be starting on the construction phase of the west feed replacement this afternoon (digging pits today; boring tomorrow).  We have completed the preliminary engineering on the first segment, which entails the south end of Copper Oaks and the other half of Great Oaks Circle.  We will basically be working on Lakeshore Dr for the rest of the segments.  This portion of the job is estimated to take about five months.  Please pass on this information to the members.  More later.


Bart Bauer
Cherokee County Electric

Proposed Southern Utilities Rate Increase


We received a letter from Southern Utilites on Monday regarding an increase in our water rates. I called Mike Farrell and had a discussion with him about the increase. The last hike was in ’05, so this rate appears to be in line with the rate of inflation. In addition, he shared with me a list of adjacent water companies, which is linked below:

Southern Utilities: Adjacent Utility Billing Comparison

As you can see, even with the increase, Southern Utilities is still a bargain compared to most of the companies nearby.