Garage Sales in Country Place?

Our new association vice-president, Pete Galbraith, has suggested that we set aside a weekend or two a year for Country Place residents to hold garage sales. While we are in the process of updating our deed restrictions, now is a good time to open this up for discussion. Your input will be appreciated.

[Feedback was not positive, so the idea of having garage sales in Country Place has been shelved for now.]

Volunteers In Country Place

I spent a morning this spring with Jerry Jones, a Country Place resident for many years, who volunteers his time to help keep our lakes in balance. I rode with Jerry over to Longview to pick up a hundred pounds of tilapia (see ourĀ Summer 2008 newsletter for more detail). Jerry is one of a group of volunteers who have helped make Country Place what it is today. Tom Perry has worked on the Fall Festival Hayride for years. Denise Jarrett worked with a group to help update our deed restrictions. Ann Horton spent hours researching the title work for Country Place. Ken Terrell donated his considerable carpentry skills to help make the bridges over dams 1, 2 and 3. For those of us who have moved here more recently, the standard set by these folks is a high bar. If you have some time and talent and you want to make a difference in the neighborhood you call home, call a board member and ask what needs doing here.

Middleton’s Host Easter Egg Hunt

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In the spring, Country Place sponsors an Easter egg hunt for members’ children. This year, the Middleton’s hosted the event at their home, complete with food, a zipline, and a brief discussion of the meaning of the holiday. Our thanks to Susan and Elliott for their hospitality.

Found: A Housekey?

Kratos and I were walking on Big Timber near Copperoaks last Thursday and he sniffed out a key that appears to be a housekey. It has a distinctive red-and-yellow handle with an inscription on it. If you lost such a key, email me and I’ll get it back to you.


Larry Lynch