2007 Fall Festival & Hayride

One of the really fun parts of living in Country Place are our annual get-togethers in the spring and fall. The 2007 Fall Festival & Hayride was especially nice because of the great weather we enjoyed. Elizabeth Anderson did a wonderful job organizing the cookout and Tom Perry did his usually masterful job of organizing the hayride. You can see photos by clicking here.

A Small Twister Touched Down in Country Place Today

This morning at about 6:30am, just before the bus came through, a small tornado touched down just east of Lakeshore Dr between the McLarey’s and Pyle’s homes; several large pines were twisted off or blown down and a lot of debris was blown off the trees there. On Jo-Bar between the Fain’s and the Terrell’s a large pine was twisted off and missed Ken Terrell’s workshop by just feet. A pine in the Fain’s front yard was broken off and the top stuck deep in the ground. A wooden fence was blown down between the Welch’s and the Terrell’s. Fortunately, other than that fence and a few missing shingles, no significant property damage was reported. There was damage reported in other parts of Tyler, though, and Terry McLarey was featured tonight on Channel 7 TV talking about the experience (hey Terry, you did great!). Here is a link to the story. Here are a few photos of the damage.

Found: A Housekey?

Kratos and I were walking on Big Timber near Copperoaks last Thursday and he sniffed out a key that appears to be a housekey. It has a distinctive red-and-yellow handle with an inscription on it. If you lost such a key, email me and I’ll get it back to you.


Larry Lynch