We have helped several neighbors gather info in preparation for protesting their property taxes, which jumped considerably for many of us. Country Place published sales of eight homes in 2023 (we don’t have access to private sales). You can click the link below to see details of these sales, which you will need to compare your home:
Below is a comparative market analysis showing greater detail of the sold homes. You can see the big swing in cost per square foot ranging from $137.11 to $224.33 a square foot; a lot depends on the home’s age, updates, and maintenance. A forty-year-old home with no updates and a lot of deferred maintenance will appraise for much less than a newer, more energy-efficient home with up-to-date features, but if you bought such a home, you need to provide proof. The spreadsheet below will give you a good idea of what Smith County’s appraisers are looking at in this current appraisal period. For specific information on protesting Smith County taxes, click here. If you have questions regarding your home’s appraisal, feel free to call me (903.714.7090) or Andrea (903.714.7091).