Easter Egg Hunt and Spring Picnic

A rainstorm came through at 5:00 am on April 3rd, but that wasn’t enough to cancel the Country Place Easter Egg Hunt and Spring Picnic! A troup of candy-hungry kids was ready to roll at 10:30 and once they had their baskets full the adults lined up for fried chicken, roast beef, and all the sides that members brought, including Jerry Jones’ incredible peanut brittle. Valencia Ray and her back of helpers once again outdid themselves and we enjoyed food and fellowship, as we said farewell to departing board members Valencia, Elsie Jacks, Dennis Strong and Ben Scott, and welcomed new board members Matthew Abernathy, Jim Hamilton, Mark Woodruff and Nathan Mimms. Russell Jacks and James Lindsey Bates (James) will continue to serve. This has been an excellent board and we’d like to thank them for all their attention to the lakes, the piers, and maintaining Lakeshore. These get-togethers serve as a reminder that, although our homes are located on larger-than-average lots, we can maintain a close-knit neighborhood with the help of social media and events.

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Goodbye Lowells, Welcome Mitchells

The Lowell’s are moving. We put their home on the market on a Friday and there was a feeding frenzy over the next couple of days…they received four offers…two at asking price and two over! The Mitchell’s will be moving to Country Place soon…they wrote a charming letter which reassured all of us that we are getting more good neighbors. We want to wish Jim and Nancy much happiness in their new home.

Morning Walks, Fall 2020

In the mornings I walk. First my dog, then I take my camera and go on a longer jaunt, about four miles. In the fall I photograph foliage; this has been a good year for catching color, and Halloween decorations.

Morning Walk: Our Furry Neighbors

Squirrels seem to be everywhere in our neighborhood. I rarely walk more than a hundred yards without seeing one or two, and I enjoy their antics. They seem to enjoy driving our dog, Bella, wild by playing right outside the front window, where she stands guard. They like breaking into attics and setting up housekeeping there. And they seem to be fearless when running across the road in front of Country Place drivers. Of course, there are drivers who don’t brake for them.

The female pictured above likes to sit on the Middleton’s fence and scold passersby.